Thursday, January 15, 2009


The inspirations for the design of Fusion is largely influenced by fashion design sketches and also hair sketches. The movement in sketches intrigues me and also the color combinations that certain designer's use. Since hair and fashion interlink, it is important for me, as a designer, to incorporate both these fashion aspects. The inspiration from these sketches will lead to the development of the different component pieces in which I will design. I will be designing these components with a focus on sustainablilty.

The two focuses of my project are going to be component design and LEED, sustainable design. As I was thinking about these two focuses, I came to the conclusion to add a little twist to this business and have the basis of the business concept to be about the organic. Therefore, all the products that will be used and created by Fusion are going to be organic and packaged in a sustainable way. The inspiration of this idea was based on of course nature, how to better the environment, and also to teach others about preserving nature.

Here are some inspirational images:

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