Monday, March 9, 2009


First Floor / Lease Space / Retail / Manicure and Pedicure / Storage

Second Floor / Professional Hair Salon

Third Floor / Student Hair Salon

Fourth Floor / Cosmetology School

Fifth Floor / Administrative Offices

Sixth Floor / Gallery Space / Bar / Modular Multi-Purpose Event Space (3 options)

Seventh Floor / V.I.P.

Thursday, March 5, 2009


The above piece of furniture is made with lyptus which is a sustainable wood and a stop sign. It was designed and built by me personally.


This stacking illustrates the vertical circulation of the building and between the floors. As you can see the bathroom are all stacked and this is for plumbing purposes. Also the reception areas are all in the same place. The reason for this is so an person unfamiliar with the building will be familiar with one area for most floors.


Saturday, February 28, 2009


The daylight analysis is important to determine the best facade methods that should be used for the building. Winter, Spring/Summer, and Fall are the times of the year represented (January, May, September). On each of the days, these are times that are used: 8am, noon, and 5pm. Below are the findings that I came up with.

Thursday, February 26, 2009


The treatment for the facade of the building is going to be very minimal. On the sides of the building, big window displays will be constructed from the original window settings of the buildings. Also, two display windows will be located in the front of the building. Aluminum awnings finished with a turquoise powder coat finish will be placed above each display window. Also a few trees set in cement planters will minimally landscape the sidewalk on the sides and front of the building. Minimal construction is going to take place because the focus of this product is on sustainable design.

The design of the first floor is focused on this curvilinear counter idea that transforms into merchandise shelving, seating, reception counters, manicure tables, etc. On the left side of the building facing towards the back will be huge display graphics. The main colors of the space are going to be turquoise, green, yellow, and white. These colors providing a soothing but energetic atmosphere.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Preliminary Space Plan / Conceptual Design

The first floor was originally going to be only retail. Through the space planning process, there was excess square footage for the retail products. Therefore, I decided to add manicure and pedicure sections on this level. The concept for this space is going to be surrounded by tables designed to stack on top of each other, partially beneath each other, or stand alone. Also another major concept of the space is going to be these ribbon like counters that are going to flow through the entire space. More will be described when I present each sketch. The blue indicates ceiling mounted double-sided flat screen televisions.

First Floor
Entrance Display
The entrance display is going to be the first thing a user experiences as they enter the space. It will also hide the elevators from being the first thing seen. The fusion logo and name will be ceiling mounted and will also light up from in. The display tables will be centered in front of the sign and display new products.

Merchandise Shelving
This is an example of how the merchandise tables can be arranged. They can be arranged in any formation. The tables will come in a blue, green, yellow, and white. The sizes will be small, medium, and large.

Ribbon Concept
These sketches represent the ribbon like concept of the design. These components will be booth seating, manicure stations, nail drying stations, merchandise shelving, etc.

Second Floor
The space plan is a very open design. The first installation the user will experience is mannequins dressed in different outfits that are installed in shadow like boxes. Again, the stackable tables will be used in this space. This space will also have the ceiling mounted televisions as well as wall mounted televisions, which are represented by the blue.
Second Floor

Mannequin Installation

Ceiling Mounted Televisions / Shampoo and Dryer Stations